Refund voucher

Refund voucher

31 March ' 25
01 April ' 25
Coś Ci wypadło i nie możesz do nas przyjechać w wybranym terminie? Nie rezygnuj z planów i odwiedź nas przy następnej okazji. Voucher w przypadku anulacji rezerwacji w terminach zgodnych z polityką anulacji - jedna z możliwości zwrotu przedpłaty.
  • any length of stay Length of my stay

The voucher is valid for 1 year from the original reservation's date of arrival.

Something has come up and you can't come to us on your chosen date? Don't cancel your plans and visit us at your next opportunity. Voucher in the event of cancellation on dates in accordance with the cancellation policy - one way of refunding your prepayment. 

Check for more information
Arrival 16:00
Departure 11:00
Hotel Pets Policy

Please contact reception to book your stay. Stay only possible in a classic room on the 4th floor. Guests are required to specify the species/breed of the animal when making the reservation. The facility may refuse to accept an animal belonging to species/breeds commonly considered threatening or aggressive. The owner of the animal is obliged to sign and comply with the rules of stay with animals . Details of the rules can be found on the website.

Parking - information

Outdoor unguarded parking available for an additional fee - 45 PLN/day

Payment type
Visa Visa Electron MasterCard Maestro
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